New Hanover Co., NC Record of Marriage Licenses 1843-1863
Name of Male Name of Female Date of Marriage
Henry Merrick Mary Map….? (colored) 7-28-18954
Green Burgh (colored) Catherine Nomach 11-7-1854
James W. Sampson Isabella Watson (colored) 1-23-1855
Jacob Martin Susan A. White (colored) 3-26-1857
William Riley Jones Catherine E. Jacobs (Col) 2-28-1858
James Jacobs (Col) Sally Jacobs 11-8-1858
Gamaliel Rourk Mary Sampson (Colored) 2-16-1850
James Henry Harris Elizabeth Smith (colored) 5-16-1859
Solomon W. Nash Mary Elizabeth McNeil (Col) 5-25-1859
James Howe Ann M. Lewis (Colored) 10-18-1859
Edward Harriss Margaret Shaw (Colored) 12-15-1859
Samuel Read Henrietta J. Costler (Col) 2-18-1860
William J. Kellog (Col) Anne Marie Hostler 11-12-1860
George David (Col.) Mary C. Anderson 12-13-1860
Daniel Jacobs Ellen J. Jacobs (Col) 3-29-1861
John Macon Hayes Mary Holmes (Col) 7-11-1861
Green Harriss (Col) Eliza Burke 9-3-1862
Hezekiah Reed Eliza Nixon (Col) 12-17-1862
Isaac Ranson Ann Maria Jones (Col) 12-10-1862
Nathan Blackwell Betsey Ann Hayes (Col) 12-25-1862
John Blanks (Col) Melvinia Hammonds 3-23-1863
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