This is a listing of the 1765 census in New Hanover County. I have transcribed the names EXACTLY as they appear on the census records. This census transcription is complete and as accurate as the original census takers wrote it down. Any errors or omissions are not on my part. © 2005-2012
Diane Siniard. These pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization.
Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. You may however use the information in your own research.
David David Edward Davis Lewis Derosset John Devane Thomas Devan Jr. Thomas Devane Sr. William Doan Edward Doaty Francis Dromgold Anthony Dubose Bishop Dudley Margaret Dudley Thomas Duff Alexander Duncan John Earle Richard Earle William Edwards Jonathan Edwards Margaret Evans Arthur Evritt Sarah Faris Michael Fitzgerald John Foulks Anysmus Futch John Futch William Gay Caleb Grainger Catherine Grainger Samuel Green Frederick Gregg Benjamin Gurley James Hall Ann Hallier Lewis Hancock Jeremiah Hand Henry Harker Cornelius Harnett Margaret Haynes Thomas Henderson Daniel Highsmith Samuel Hogins John Hollinsworth Obadiah Holt James Howard Job Howe John Huffom Richard Huffom Solomon Huffom Jr. Solomon Huffom Sr. Thomas Hutchins Henry Hyrne Sarah Hyrne Esther Jacob John Jacob Matthew Jacob John James Thomas James Thomas Jennings William Jervil Ezekiel Johnston Joseph Johnston Matthew Johnston Stephen Johnston William Johnston Abraham Jones Frederick Jones John Jones Marmaduke Jones Martha Jones Thomas Jones William Jones Jeremiah Keenah John Kelly Thomas Kinneer Peter Lamb Benjamin Lane Samuel Lane James Larkins John Larkins William Larkins Bryan Lee Jacob Lewis Alexander Lillington John Lowber Peter Lowber Thomas Lowber Francis Lynaugh John Lyon Arthur Mabson John Mac Calmy William MacKdowal Archibald MacLane Nathaniel Magoffer James Mairs John Malpus Richard Malpus John Malsbey Alis Marisdin John Marshall Samuel Marshall John Marshell Caleb Mason Alexander McAlexander Alexander McAllister Thomas McClamy William MCClinsy Samuel McConnell Alexander McCoy William MCDowell Daniel McFarlin William McGowan Robert McGraham James McGufford Henry McKay William McQuilin George Merrick Thomas Merrick Jonathan Mills John Molpis Richard Molpis Dennis Moore Elizabeth Moore Geoge Moore George Moore James Moore Jr. John Moore Juan Moore Margaret Moore Mary Moore Morris Moore (deceased) Robert Moore William Moore Joseph moot James Moran James Moras Sulliman Moras Thomas Moras William Moras Benjamin Morgan Daniel Morgan David Morgan Solomon Morris Thomas Morris William Morris John Moritmer Edward Moseley John Moseley Sampson Moseley James Moseley John Mott Joseph Mott James Murray James Murry Jacob Nail Samuel Nail Moras Neven Morgan Nickson Robert Nickson Thomas Nickson Thomas Nickson Jr. George Nicloes William Nicloes Isaac Ogdon Richard Ogdon Isaac Ordon Richard Ordon John Packet William Paradise Lewis Parit Joshua Parker James Parrel Joshua Pavy Edward Pearcel Jinkins Perry John Peter Miles Peter Robert Peter Richard Plair Robert Poler Joseph Portavint James Portivine Isaac Pounds John Pounds William Pounds John Pownell Richard Price Richard Quince Edward Realy John Realy Thomas Reede James Rice Price Rice James Robinson William Robinson Thomas Rogers William Ross John Row Mathew Rowan John Rutherford John Samson Nathaniel Sawyer Richard Scott Oswill Sill John Simmons John Simson Walter Simson Henry Skibow Allen Slown Finly Smith Malcom Smith Robert Snow Andrew Spareman William Stantem Thomas Stockly Jonathan Swain Samuel Swain John Swan William Swan John Taylor Samuel Tharp James Thomas John Thomas Solomon Towning Adonirum Treadwel William Vail Edward Van Efraim Vernon Robert Wakley Ann Walker John Walker William Walker Anthony Ward John Waters Joseph Waters Sarah Waters John Watson Joseph Watson Robert Wellbank Jacob Wells Francis White James White Zackeriah Wicks William Wilkins John Williams Agerton Wilias Hope Willias Jacob Wills John Wills John Wilson Silvanus Wilson Edward Wingate Joseph Woodcock James Wright John Wright