This is a listing of the 1762 census in New Hanover County. I have transcribed the names EXACTLY as they appear on the census records. This census transcription is complete and as accurate as the original census takers wrote it down. Any errors or omissions are not on my part. © 2005-2012
Diane Siniard. These pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization.
Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. You may however use the information in your own research.
Alexander Adamson William Adison Daniel Alderman Ezekiel Alexander Joseph Alexander Mary Alexander Mc Alexander Alexander Drury Allen Elkanah Allen John Allen Peter Allen William Allen Bridget Arlow Clement Armstrong John Ashe Samuel Ashe Elizabeth Averett John Baker Ann Bayling Gideon Beck John Beesley James Bell Charles Bennerman Daniel Bennett Libenon Bennett Nathan Benson Joseph Beven Thomas Beven William Bevil Charles Bishop Stockley Bishop William Bishop Joseph Blake Michael Blanchard James Bland David Bloodworth Timothy Bloodworth James Blyth Samuel Bonham Thomas Bowden David Bowden Luke Bowen Richard Bradley William Bradley Isaac Brinson Robert Brison William Brown William Browning James Bryan John Bryan Isiah Bunting Anthony Burdeau Alexander Burnett -----Burrington James Buxel Bryan Buxton Bartholomew Byrne Christopher Cain John Campbell William Campbell Thomas Cancer James Carter John Clifton Samuel Collier Alexander Colvin Solomon Combow Thomas Corbett Francis Corbin John Corbyn John Costin Ann Cowan Isabella Cowan Magnus Cowan George Crandle Sarah Crim Joseph Crocker Thomas Cuningham John Dalrymple John Danford John Daniels David David Edward Davis Jehu Davis John JR. Davis John SR. Davis Roger Davis Elizabeth Derossett Lewis Derossett Moses Derossett John Devane Thomas JR. Devane Thomas SR. Devane Thomas DIck Jonathan Dixon Arthur Dobbs Trevail Doram Frederick Dore Edward Douty William Dry John Dubois Anthony Dubose Christopher Dudley Daniel Dunbibin Alexander Duncan Richard Eagle John Earle Darby Egan John Egan Robert Ellis Usher Espy Benjamin Evans Jonathan Evans James Fargus John Fargus Sarah Faris John Fatch Onysimus Fatch William Forrester Algernon Furnel John Gairns Josiah Gardner William Gay Benjamin Gedions Elias Generatt John Gibbs John Gilbert aWilliam Goss Magdalen Gough Caleb Granger Joshua Granger James green Samuel Green Freerick Gregg George Grissett William Grissett John Groom Benjamin Gurley Malatiah Hamilton Jeremiah Hand Charles Harison Joseph Harison Henry Harker Jacob Harnage Cornelius Harnett William Hart Jack Hase James JR. Hasell John Haws Ann Hellier James Henderson Thomas Henderson Darby Henegan John Henesey Widow Henesey Benjamin Heron John Herring Richard Herring Joseph Hewet Randolph SR. Hewet John Hickman John Hill William Hill Daniel Holland John Hollinsworth Obadiah Holt James Howard Joseph Howard Simon Howard Arthur Howe Job Howe Thomas Howe Job Hudson John Huftom Robert hunter Solomon Hurt Solomon JR. Huston Solomon SR. Huston Thomas Hutchings Benjamin Hyrne Henry Hynre John Inger Henry Irby James Jacobs John Jacobs Matthew Jacobs Zachariah Jacobs Benjamin James Jacob James John James Thomas James Thomas Jennings William Jewell Ezekiel Johnston Henry Johnston Stephen Johnston William Johnston Abraham Jones Evan Jones John Jones Marmaduke Jones Thomas Jones Widow Jones Jeremiah Keenan John Kelly Charles ketter Ann Kimber Mary Kimber Samuel Laine Peter Lamb Benjamin Lane James Larkins John Larkins William Larkins Cornelius Laurence John Lay John JR. Lay Bryan Lee Joshua Lee William Lee Samuel SR. Leonard Jacob Lewis Alexander Lillington George Logan John Loper Michael Loper Thomas Loper William Lord Isaac SR. Ludlam Jeremiah Ludlam Francis Lynaugh John Lyon Arthur Mabson James Marlow Alice Marsden John Marshall Samuel Marshall Caleb Mason Thomas Mc Clarney William Mc Clarney Margaret Mc Corkal William Mc Dowell Sarah Mc Farlin William Mc Gowan Robert Mc Graham James Mc Gufford Nathaniel Mc Gufford Thomas Mc Guire Henry Mc Kay Archibald Mc Laine William Mc Quellin George Mears Richard Melton George Merrick Thomas Merrick Jacob Miller Richard Molpus Dennis Moore George Moore James Moore John Moore Margaret Moore Maurice Moore Roger Moore Schinking Moore James Moran Benjamin Morgan Daniel Morgan Ezekiel Morgan James Morgan John Morgan Solomon Morgan Widow Morpis Elizabeth Morris John Morris Solomon Morris Thomas Morris William Morris John Mortimer Ann Mosely Edward Mosely John Mosely Sampson Mosely John Mott Joseph Mott Revelle Munro William Murphy James Murray Richard Nanson Thomas Neal Maurice Nevin George Newton Isaac Newton Joseph Newton Andrew Nichols John Nichols Joshua Nixon Robert Nixon Isaac Ogdon Solomon Ogden Paul Overhison James Pagit John Paine William Paradise Gideon Parish George Parker Thomas Parker Thomas SR. Parker James Parrel Samuel Patrick Edward Pearcel Joshua Peavy Linkin Perry Thomas Pinson Richard Player Stephen Player Thomas Player Edward Porter John Porter Margaret Portivinte Robert Potter Abraham Potts Hardy Powell Jacob Powell James Price William Purviance John Quince Richard Quince Randolph Ramsey Thomas Ready Jacob Remick Anthony Richey Edward Riley John Riley William Riley Michael Ritzgerald Jessey Rivers Mary Roades James Robison John Robison John JR. Robison John Rodgers James Roe John Roe John Rogers Henry Rooks Alexander Ross Ann Ross Archibald Ross Stephen Ross John Rowan Robert Rowan John Rutherford Robert Sage Edward Saul Henry Seyers Isaac Simmons John Simmons John Simpson Allen Sloan David Smeeth Robert Snow Joseph Sole Silvanus Sole Andrew Spearman Edward Spearman William Spears John Springs John Squires George St George Wiliam Stafford William Stafford William Steven Gideon Stibbins Richard Stimson Benjamin Stone William Stuckey Jonathan Sturges George Stymer Moses Sudbrey Daniel Sutherland David Swain Jonathan Swain Judith Swain Levi Swain Ann Swann Samuel Swann John Sykes John JR. Sykes John Taylor Edward Teal Samuel Tharp James Thomas John Thomas Henry Toomer Joshua Toomer William Townly Adoniram JR. Treadwell Adoniram SR.Treadwell John Treadwell James Turner Thomas Tyler William Tyler Absalom Venters Ephraim Vernon Robert Wails William Wainright Isaac Waldron John Walker William Walker Anthony Ward Jacob Waterton Elizabeth Waters Samuel Waters Joseph Watters Marion Waver Mary Weight Mary Wheatley John Wilkinson John Williamson George Willis Silvanus Wilson Edward Wingate John Wingate Edward Wood William Wood Christopher Wotton Thomas Wright William Youshaw